So, are we complicit with Modern Day slavery? Not really of course since we never actually declare it in public as such but we do have an attitude which suggests that we had servants waiting on us when we were Children and that we miss it all the time especially when we see people who are really good at what they do, which leads us to our powerful media by which we run it off endlessly alongside a tribalism we have not got money to support, giving encouragement to those who want to do it until they are caught, to just get on with it already. I personally cannot make out how it has developed from that insults about how there are better black people out there for the Monarchy to get involved with beside myself, to a stage where their whole popular culture is based on getting money from goons who spend their own fighting others and then showing up to pass around life changing insults at Media and fame to help the goons who do so, recover their money at the Market – then claim it is the same way the Monarchy behaves towards ordinary people while reality is that not everyone has the attitude that Politicians have towards them, some of us live in a world where we see that we have a society of playboys and very irresponsible Men and that it needs to be administrated.

The question is usually whether I enjoy showing myself off as a victim and am trying to convince people I am a victim and not the other way around but I am not; what happens is the unprecedented ego that gets involved with my concerns to a point where I have to deal with financial complications because of its unwieldy character day after day for years on end while they become more disobedient and more abusive, so I get to that stage where I begin to wish they only got involved if they did by invitation. The story they tell is that they were a big problem for me which they are not, its common sense that if over 90% of their activities are meant to damage what those who distribute my Books get up to, that I should stop the media from being famous as this is usually the most important tool to cause the damage with. They are not a problem as such and blabbing of this type is only set to ensure they ended up finding out how much destruction I am capable of as well over that terribly insane disobedience that enjoys exhibiting dominance by handling my finances; so the issue at the heart of it being that every time I show my face in Public a society idiot wants to make me into a tired personality that he can point to as a means of expressing himself concerning what bothers him, starts to tell me what to do and how to exist and the vices and bad women start to target the real Man guy and he starts to decide I am too weak to be on the right hand side and need move left and do some popular culture for a living lest I smell like my loo, destroying everything around here including academics in the process and so when he fears me as well, especially if he ends up with queer society and somebody who does not fancy his tribalism raids at Industry and becoming more violent while it has not yet explained why it wants to hurt my bottom and make me smell like my loo then tell tales about it all the time, we find a fool who claimed the Media job was his dream job show up to adjudicate against me and make stupid statements about what happened when he simply could not leave alone the Head of State in Britain and it cannot get out of it obviously, time and again, everyday; enjoying it increasingly while his family is not affected, his family is not the wiser about the nonsense I have to put up with for years on end and it was never in his job description to begin with.

They always claim they were trying to answer the question of whether I am treated like a slave by the Monarchy, about which I have been given a Royal Commission that many apparently got before me in the first place therefore treated like a slave to say the least but every time I assess my Business, of the thousands of people interested in my Books for any given 24 hours, none will have bought a copy and the main barrier would be a fool with a Media job doing some physical damage that was developed from a practical joke they had started when I first Published the Book about 10 years ago and have since gotten used to.

Of this tale that I am being broken down and dissected we hear all the time, reality of which is rather that I am set to teach the Popularity and Celebrity corruptions a lesson of a lifetime if their fingers are not kept off my privates and their insults where it is appreciated. What they spend their time on all the time a test for me concerning their stupidities every day is beating down women to be dominant Men which also involves beating me down as well and their main problem therefore has become how to keep it up permanently. It’s never really been a problem since my Dad was the way I am as such; do not get told what to do by society goons and the vices will not chase you around, concerning which the divorce of my parents was one of the most difficult ones I personally have ever seen, even the mention of my Mum will throw him into uncontrollable rage; I have now found the reason for this position was because no ordering around by society and vices coming into my life full of idiots spending time to build publicity and a crowd that gets bigger and bigger and bigger on the basis of the notion the solutions to the problems of the world are to be found in my life, talking nonsense at popular culture, Celebrity and Media while their equally stupid families are safe from it all, means the ability to make your own money and chose your friends, the ability to get a life and have everybody good and bad people alike avoid getting into trouble. So where we are now rather than being dissected and broken down is a process where these goons think they are famous and will never understand they have their own ways of getting around and should not be damaging mine, have been playing up practical jokes that have grown to a stage where my Book sale business is affected, then gotten used to that, a decade after wrecking my academic work as well and unless I make them, like the need to get used to beating me down alongside the women even when they fear me, these idiots will never understand i.e. I am stuck with them because I want to, stuck with them until I had made them understand. In a public sense however, these goons are usually unaware busy having too much fun, that there are certain aspects of their corruption which add up to a strand that lets government operatives wreck whole countries and company leadership embezzle funds to leave employees without jobs – such as when I get told I need to handle the matter comprehensively which I am anyway; for instance I fancy the Automobiles they drive around churning my tummy and abusing me because most of the Companies that build them broker equities with me but it does not mean an Arch Prince has become a lover of money either, what we will happen before their behaviour improved will likely be that I twist them into such a difficult position that their lives are only likely about chasing up the jobs to make the money that will pay the bills and buy these goods and services without chasing any of the Industrial wealth and its power like they do to create problems for me at the moment – as we can see of which if I did would have added up to a public service that they could have done by themselves by not being such inconsiderate fools, showing respect towards others and letting matters be decided by market forces, answers right there before them, way ahead of the times they had decided to create problems for themselves, only to find they want to be safe thereafter at my expense when they had wrecked everything around here as well. It’s like they tell me kissy kissing the faces of Women at the work Court will lead me into trouble, while I am usually left thinking it is some sort of delish trouble or something; as Women need their jobs and when people had created those faces that know they will go home and smell like their loo and therefore end up with borrowed time at the work place, it would be great if I were told which were the Princesses that will inherit some wealth, so that I do not have to. Yes they always say I encourage a lack of control of female behaviour of which the platform their relationships are built on have nothing to do with me, only they expect support from me concerning the consequences of screwing around – to ensure the women are served their share but the world of Men protects the Men from it, whereby women lose jobs if they feel somebody is looking at them through work and I am getting beaten down by them because they want to get used to another form of stupidity that will ensure they have some sensations of safety to add to the foolishness we already see them practice.

The talk of how I am being dominated by those that are real Men is much the same story naturally; what really happens is that I am hardly seen behaving like a Man in Public places and the reason is that my biggest problem appears to be persecution from women who promise me they will make money off my life for the purpose of popular culture since the last time it never worked that way when I attended Church and got labelled the buy who attends Church while they were the immoral people who got all the money that was supposed to exist in that space and there were boys in the neighbourhood that will bend me to their will violently. Where we are now is the old case of the fact that I make them out to be bad people without experiencing what they have suffered in order to become what they are – always about what they have suffered and experienced of course if they are not Pop stars that are done making money on your Public image to pass insults at and persecute you with talent shows after; while what they really did was the same intrusion we see bully ageist Men on media exhibit about lumbering me with the one thing and need for sex, telling lies and dominating women to enjoy the sight of what happens when the women who support me are wistful – they wrecked the academic work in 2008 and the same behaviour has persisted since, complete with a new life of dominating me because they dominate women, then thinking it is my problem when I am un a hurry off to somewhere and happen to brush past them, which destroys every theory they have ever built up about dominating me, alongside those stupidities where they get themselves into trouble after years of fulling around and start to finger my bum in public places with their imagination because they have suddenly felt they wanted to be safe. They have not dominated anything around here – what happened is that they chased me around and will not let it rest building crowds who wanted to know what goes on in my head and then when I wrote a Book buying it became their biggest problem; we are here because now that they are complaining from it about the need to live like real men claiming their lives in the neighbourhoods, pointing out how bad things should be happening to me at this point but are not, while popularity idiots and the same foolish women are off on an angle over fame and fortune alongside society goons telling me what to do to draw them into my life all together, we have only had to have a public discourse on it because a group of idiots who first claimed their Media job was their dream job, are lending the Media job to them for Public attention that can be used to take my mind off what it really important to me. So obviously, it is not important to them to stop the abusive insults, I suppose it will be when I had decided exactly what they will be doing with their time for the rest of their lives.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland