The incessant need to be seen making statements about me being taught a lesson has now developed from an amusing eventuality into some practical joke that is unbearably provocative, since it has now caused be a total of 6 year cash flow crisis – it is a stupidity they have become accustomed to exhibiting around my concerns which does not have common place with a process of living in a condition where one gives it as good as one gets because the finances are a mess or one where one is organised because the finances are not disturbed or where one is wealthy and does not have to worry much – what it knows best is the means to show up where I have done the best work for my career to make statements that will get me trying to exist like other people endlessly, claiming its stupidities were important.

I do get asked how it began naturally of which it did when their Politicians spent tax payer funds wrecking my finances to spend some helping them with theirs, thus why they tackle the finances of those who are working to pay their taxes independently of government help will never be understood. I do know however that it is now developing into something of me embarking on an expedition to hurt them as well until this nonsense is relegated to the background of mainstream living, which they claim I cannot but we know there is no link between a process where people showed up on Media and my whole life got flushed down the loo, when paid to perform in private events I dropped out of University, we know it is the product of the sense that they needed to invent processes that allow them to tackle whom they have set out as a punching bag, in order to appear to have been making ruthless media and show business decisions and I am now completely fed up with it. The stage we have found ourselves now is clearly one associated with a business of dropping out of University as a result of it, the fact they would not stop chasing sales on my Public image, to claim I am running their lives by telling them off or chase it on my academic work – I have now put the history out to ensure that although I know something about the way high risk and high reward people work in the sense that they may organise a sales venture between about 4 persons and at the end expect that only 5 will make the pitch where people who had a lot of money to part with will do so in expectation of high rewards, and eventually only one person will make the pitch while the other 4 will be supporting acts, dissipating all possible confidence issues and social problems in the process – I have built up their history for them, to ensure there is no other way to make sales happen without putting their arse out for it.

They do claim I have no means of enforcing anything I have said and it is utter rubbish; we know we have ended up in the present condition on account that I have not been responding to their insanity due to how stupid it really is but now that we have had a group of fools with Media and Celebrity job devise a way to build me a certain publicity by handling service processes of my Bookshop, in order to ensure I were vulnerable to their foolish activity for practical jokes, then hung around somewhere issuing threats at me and boast endlessly about controlling my financial wellbeing, I must accept that it has now developed into a threat that their stupidities believe to me amusing. Where it comes to the money they have made which will always give them an advantage over me, the question is still one of not being provided a reason that wealth and social equality issues concerns a process of handling my Books and every involvement with my concerns being uninvited and nasty, while it is assumed if people were paying money for something such as my Books, then they would have expected to be better off – that said we know the history is this place is that following me around to make a mess of everything on claims they want me to share what I know, which outcome is that I wrote a Book which they started a mini war on because they were entitled to, got me keeping such a close eye on ensuring their stupidities never showed up near their accounts Books that it became an international phenomenon on not being competitive on my part. So we see that it feeds into stupidities they claim adds up to Americans bothering me, same story about how I am some point at which those who have not had the privilege of having an established sense of civilisation may acquire one and these are scum that spend all their time running their own families and friends down over gimmicks concerning land and country ownership, about which others tended to show up from nowhere with a score to settle, alongside ideas about country and ownership that they had as well, now that it is done destroying family and friends it must look outward all together.

They point out this case of women on my concerns all the time and there is no such thing, simply the matter of men playing up gimmicks of where power lies and the women who want to play it with them hanging around looking like bags at the other end of the hole to trap the rabbits, as stupidly as possible. Apart from this gimmick about teaching me lessons developing into something that is no longer amusing bearing in mind it is always profitable but their stupidities are more important even if they have never paid the bills in this place, we all know they love to get themselves into this state where it is said that I ought to act in a way that allows women to be submissive to me, which of course is not my problem as it were – the same way they pick up ugly personal decisions and chase it claiming they are running with the flow affects their health is the same that thinking women should be submissive to me affects me in a way that means I find it difficult catching my own breath, so I am not the kind of man that they want as such, besides which if their gimmicks really mattered, they would have made contact on social media; what this proves being one of those cases where they always needed to show they were a big deal and I already come from a broken home where my parents had a very nasty divorce, not interested in anyway – as an afterthought, we know they play these games and then it comes to it and I become punching bag because their stupidities got pregnant and it became a life of death issue for them while all the gimmicks played at my expense will not have mattered when they had begun blabbing that I do not get involved with Armed services because I am a coward, while having babies on my Public image.

The Politicians have suggested I am always angry about this because I had no control but I do – my position is one which ensures that they made money and bought products to facilitate other people’s jobs and show they do not have monopoly on being a producer in the Country, if others are not making the Celebrities pay the taxes while such actions contribute to a process of making sure the money running in the economic pipeline does not get anywhere so that the Government might make sustainable fiscal decisions, these are not my failings. Their involvement with my concerns is always uninvited and always nasty and yet there is nothing saying people need to get involved with my Trust, my Bookshop or my Public image especially when not invited as such, it is something they did because Media gits and Celebrity fools always had big egos and a need to show a crowd they were making ruthless decisions based on fame and I am done tolerating it – it will have to keep off my concerns or I will burn their own: so far what they have been complaining about is the way that culture and society goons tackle me all the time for obvious reasons that I was pushed out of my University studies in 2007 and by 2020 they had not found a way to do what I was meant to do for the world because they had the intelligence for it, hence I am stitching the academic work together again, once it was clear by 2015 that their fascination with me will not allow me keep any other jobs or careers that I had found – so they have expressed their feelings about the way I have resisted them by supporting culture and society goons who threaten me whenever they had money issues because they had backup civil rights and I decided they had better gotten involved with Celebrities already as we all know what it usually becomes when it ceases to be a pleasurable practical joke. They have expressed their feelings by funding and pushing for such goons to do more in order to teach me they were a big deal and I should always co-operate with their needs – it was the last straw and I don’t want the feud with Celebrities to end until I know exactly what I want to do with them as well. It has been two decades of Hollywood claiming these are nice people buying entertainment products while the rest of us discriminate – we know they did nothing when the school shootings got completely out of hand, we know the same applied to cinema shootings and we know shootings of all kinds have been expressed, we know once the Police were inundated with suburban shootings they immediately began facing the Celebrity lookalikes who had been waiting for a long time to get what they want – yet trying to clear out the organised crime effects makes their stupidities more uncomfortable than it does me because they are very important i.e. what I mean when not keeping to their Celebrity careers and any affiliation with sex industry and Media generally means I will burn their own as there is no life split into two parts where they got the left and I got the right hand side in this place.

It has become down to the one process each time – to get involved with my concerns, pervert it and build me a public sensibility for what I am not, then get abusive with it; they boast all the time that consequences follow such activity but I was too insignificant for one to apply in my case and this is what I want to reciprocate, although I would like them to simply move on and disappear. Some have said I had always believed myself to know better but when faced with the same challenges respond as they did and its utter nonsense as what happens is that they turn up here to take out work roles, then fail to them done, such that I am facing an affront each time I want to get other peoples involved - it’s exactly the same behaviour we see from their industry trouble makers and sales idiots putting other people’s bottoms out to make sales happen and I simply wish to take back control of my concerns i.e. provided they re-established their game with media and even the sex industry cease all processes of bothering me, the matter is very unlikely to get worse. Presently, I am picking up the mess made of the service processes of a Bookshop over a 7 year period, which make me appear to be a character that does not get paid when he works so he spent time pleasing a handful of scum in nice clothes whose abuses of him will likely to show on products very soon on account their money making needs was an all-consuming thing and it has made me a very happy person to say to least, should I note them progress their need to add my money to their money and have everything into something of trying to win elections and control me, their stupidities will have crossed another line in this place.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland