They claim I am here getting all over the place because people fought my wars and yet I was happy for the Police to keep doing Police work; I wouldn’t know, I know however that I am an example of the effects their stupidities did produce, as we have completely forgotten that it was the safety and wellbeing of people who lived in areas we designated as ideological no man’s land, as they burned my assets in communist territories to get me doing the bidding of celebrities forcibly, which bidding of celebrities was therefore incredibly important. The kind of effects such nonsense will have on Police work will be that Police were unable to decide which criminal minds took up job roles in the department and we have not heard all about their media appearances due to the results of such effects yet, we have only to put up with the daily gimmicks. Eventual result here is the three main activities that tear down my finances every day, shooting off the big mouth at me as well i.e. it picks up my earnings to make stupid announcements about young millionaires it created from twats that did what it wanted, it picks up my daily business as something which the world of men created to improve the lives of men and it gets involved with my concerns unprofessionally, to build communities that made use of products it created by copying what my clients did with me, hence services I provided were never complete and it was impossible to talk about readership at the Bookshop. Finished with this, it is now working civil service narcissism to make me homeless, while its stupidities ensured I was never employed because I resist its practical jokes; shows up here everyday to display something of idiots who got involved with Industry property owners to be the right hand man and left hand man, playing with my earnings, at the same time while it kept its own, it only learned to become a bully and not what is really important having been that I have allowed it to keep its earnings. They claim I behaved like a foreigner and my activities were not really British which is nothing unusual, as they were so wealthy they needed to set me out as a bum so they can bully me to befriend the wealthy, but we had a problem when my career and social life stagnated because a whole community was built up to see me without my clothes on and seek stupid evil immoral society fortunes by doing so. Every time that the Politicians had given their stupidities an opportunity to have a go at the jobs of public enforcement officers, we end up with something like this and when I mentioned it so, I must have said something which allowed its stupidities to learn its place again, so it does have my congratulations thereof.

I have been informed one of the main concerns is how unmercifully I have been treated but there is nothing but that sort just a bunch of idiots doing extremely filthy things with the fact that the daughter of the Duke of York Married an Italian. I mean in terms of making the trouble, they have gone from posing a question endlessly of public importance, as to whether my position was relevant to the princesses marriage, whether they had some role to play in British Public government and whether there was power I had to relinquish for them to do so, then there is the trouble making about which they had already hit the ground running, reading the birth signs, where I am a Libra, the Princess is a Leo, the Child she had with them is an abusive Virgo. It does like to brag all the time until I picked up those gimmicks where it shows up here with daily insults to cling to my income margins and run off self-improvement seminars for the male population, with an intent to teach it a lesson that it will never forget. I do have bigger fish to fry however, something about years of insults and systematic publicity for the abuses, building up to a sense that for everything I did, people would discern where I am meant to make money and insert their own concerns to extract the money, which has so far after years of warnings, built up to a clash with the famous. American Politicians support this nonsense naturally but it was always a matter of some Capital set aside to make me into a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy, as they will let me have my Bookshop back, once their dreams of power, position and status by handling my finances and well being had allowed them to do so, to which effect every time they get close and I failed to co-operate, the merciless treatment thing will apply, to which effect the question of my capability was still one of whether their stupidities were struggling over Russia so far. In the mean time, I am waiting for the publicly displayed an defiant stupidities to continue running peoples lives with the social activities of criminals, until it relied on me again because they had spent their civil rights doing it. It has already developed into a crisis of what State provided security said or did.

It had since been suggested that I had no real sense of direction in my work but we know that giving a 30 year old a career solution that he should have had 15 years earlier would defeat the purpose of giving them that solution at all, just as we know they were obsessed with the need to fool around with peoples concerns, share their toxic and disgusting personality with their sales armies who preserve their interests on the streets and Markets, to later inform victims of being old enough to get it done by themselves which is incredibly stupid. The point being that if there was minimal corruption in a polity, they would be happy to change syllabus for schools. Quite incredible that after a decade of experiencing the abuse of my Bookshop we have ended up with a sense that I had lost everything I had as an explanation for the fact that a bunch of gits took advantage of the stupid situation that they had built here to forge an alliance with criminal communities over a statement they can take out the problem at any time, to cling to my finances and make their feelings known to the authorities abusively everyday, whilst the attack on law enforcement on my behalf for their part, tended to make a statement that my business had more potential and their German influence gimmicks would ensure I understood what they wanted to share - not the first time either, first time around the explanation offered for the consequences of such nonsense was that people got murdered because I behaved in complicity with racism.

They do take it all the way to National Media, to report the idea that they hated me on account people were always getting into a fight on my behalf. I could never tell anyway, all I m aware of is an obligation of friendship towards those who jeopardised themselves to provide National security being a matter that concerns them much, when they travel overseas to import trouble makers I would have to prove myself to, the assumption we see here being that they were completely oblivious to the consequences of these activities. I cannot naturally tear myself away from the fact that they may have done something to provide the National security as well, in these circumstances but they too need to take into account that they lived in a country and not a club, as such there was no bouncers at the doors, keeping them away from security services, which condition those in authority which they are not, are completely aware of on the contrary. I have been running a Bookshop whilst they trashed the finances to abuse people every day, need to stay away from my Bookshop in an otherwise circumstances which the communities will not be viewed as part of their civil rights if I am being attacked.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland