The Americans have claimed I have showed up to dream out my own version of the Royal family which has no link to reality and gotten about superimposing it on people’s minds, which is utter nonsense as well; the main problem here is that their problems and poverty is worth the sacrifice of at least one Royal especially one that is not real like myself, as stupidly as possible, so their practical jokes have since gotten serious with a Book attached. Its been a 6 year campaign now of constantly getting involved with me over business just business, that whispers in peoples ears how I should be used to build market, the more invasive types being Politicians who have listened and responded to stupidities they have invented about the reasons they hated the British when they had problems and nobody thought others ought to suffer for it instead of them, which meant that they knew where my Books were and it was a little price to pay for the fact that there were poor people in the world – no such thing as my fantasies about the Royal family not reflecting how evil they are, which I would want to discuss but here speaks for itself in the first place. It has always been a matter of a group of gits with plans to make money and fame without working for it and since they had decided never to work for money while a living wage was not good enough and I had resolved their matter and prepared to move on with other concerns, the main issue around here has been the constant interference of the Heir to the Throne, having a need to be friends with Celebrities who use the friendship for the purpose of beating people down while people are at work all day to help these idiots recover and carry on, the same problem that there has always been. The Celebrity types have become very accustomed to getting their imagination up my bum naturally as such but we all know they had opinions of that sort earlier, on how HM behaves in a way which means that they had lost part of their career, since then the idiots have found out how their mates who go into the Military to fight their corner and preserve the systems that allow them enjoy the show business do it, so apparently it churns their tummy and leaves them unable to get famous, so their idiocy now wants to own my public image for it – same story on their part as well, where if their insults get them close enough to the Monarchy to see how people are fighting for them, they build a community and send out idiots that are constantly educating others on how to take the law into the hands to run me down all the time, if I am not giving those whatever is required of me when they fight the corner and earn exclusive rights to hug mama and so on, they spend their stupid time on nothing else but getting imagination up my bum because the USA is very powerful, so it should go without saying that if either has not come to a stop, this piece of writing would likely serve as the last warning for the most famous idiots out there. It goes beyond the matter of just saying that if the Heir to the throne wants to build a Government with Celebrities we would all follow it, since it means friendship with him facilitates idiots on Media beating people down while people are at work all day long, then get up somewhere at Industry trying to make prerogatives from it. They do say I never talk about the people who hate me at the Monarchy but there is no such thing; it’s the same goons that there have always been – so the women who supported me at International Relations had since joined the Army and provoked them further by taking up jobs men should be doing and the others who supported me on the fall out of my activities concerning culture and society trouble makers had gotten sexually attacked, so I am now no longer protected, so their stupidities may move in and we find such things as the corruption of my state provided security since its all based on surveillance being their main thing while I have responded to that by getting around resolving any matters that may exist with other statesmen around the world, to ensure their Services were never needed here but it has not actually stopped, so we have progressed to the other part where their idiots teaching me lessons would mean hanging around with Celebrities to wreck people’s lives and boast in public that its all puppy love, while they got around running off their campaign of hate for women in order to seek security for stupid well off villains at my expense.

The story that I will never get out of this cycle being the insults and abusive handling of my property not yet getting a response that expressed fully that it is about writing a Book, opening a shop for it and then ending up stuck with their stupid ideas on leadership. They claim I will never get out of this business of people pillaging my Bookshop and squandering everything I have which is utter nonsense too; we all know there is no such business as writing a Book and setting out a Bookshop for it, to get stuck with ideas idiots have about being in charge like we see at those stupid Fashion, Media and Celebrity culture targeting me all the time – the older gits say they are addicted to handling my person and property and I am meant to respect this addiction because their stupidities were actually very important. Its an example of how I get to say people are stupid and how they get to say I am not communicating at all while there is nothing to communicate if I had warned them from the first day on that foolish idea I think I will successfully run an Intellectual Property Administration business on the internet while they were the world’s best troll, on the fact I know where their own is located in the real world as well and will damage it just as much and just as well for my part too – nobody sets out a business and then brings his own life to stop dealing with their stupidities concerning every fantasy they had invented on how they should be in charge, which those who have Media and Celebrity jobs follow on with the business of getting friendly with the Heir to the Throne in order to set about beating me down every time I am at work, so I am now in a fight to look after causes linked to the Bookshop while their need to handle it for other purposes save its products is brewing up more serious results than they can handle and I would never have been trying to find out if they had ears, should they have made use of the Bookshop according to the purposes it was intended either, building up to this sense I deserve these abusive behaviour because I am always trying to secure affirmation from others who will make me feel good about myself by giving me a positive one. They have always done this, hang around somewhere and boast about being able to play with obscurity to any extent they wanted and show up at the other end making good of some fame at the expense of the victims whose person and lives they made a mess of, it is the reasons they love to boast even when teenagers, that I talk but they know me well and know there is nothing I can do about it; meanwhile I want to see them do it as well, looking like an education on ways I should take the law into my hands and it’s the complaint on this that has made the issue between me and them into a global stage phenomenon; it’s the same story all round – peoples corporate identity is their sales tool, peoples corporate public image is their job and then eventually you settle up on the fact they don’t actually want a product, when it does appear every person they could have taken advantage of to get rich and buy the product had found a way to keep them off and so you consign them to history and end up with a battle on your hands because their lives are over. Its just another new one that the Prince of Wales feels predisposed to throw Royal support at apparently, an issue that never stops.

They claim I spend my time exercising fantasies on playing God and its never clear what they mean either - we see it every day, that I spend my time building creative equity and whilst a company has invested millions on finding out how it works and I had a Book to sell, these Celebrity idiots are far more interested in playing with my feelings in order to show up in public places, paying somebody to build them clothing that helps them recover from the fact they got hurt, displaying fully that they were so important and convinced they can fool around with people that way while expecting no consequences for it. Besides which is the question of whether history has been kinder to me than it has been to them all together, if I am playing God. Its never really a crisis for most of its purposes - the reality is one where I had set up a Bookshop and they felt like fooling around with it to such an extent that I am stuck with society gits or Media goons and either had ideas on how to whisper into peoples ears concerning the way that I should be used to create new market frontiers - so since a Bookshop had a purpose in the first place, people will either get involved to read what I have written or the outcome will be that when I had spent time creating populations alternative channels for dealing with them, separate from the supporting of tyranny routes, I will be famous, important and rich with lots of followers and popularity attached as well and this will really get to test the extent of that nonsense where their disobedience continued and this was a typical example of the stage where they got to say that I will lose a Royal Commission should they come to harm.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland