I do get told that mine is an inability to handle Governmental responsibility, which is not really the case, as if we were to divorce ourselves from the facts, we would be talking about various history where people were found complaining that others had done their thing at the Video games Industry but the stage at which they decided to do mine and invent publicity and popularity that helped shut down the day to day running of my existence, on claims that I was too much of a coward to deserve my career, has never really been explained and I don’t think that with all that devils tears being shed everywhere to cling to other people’s incomes while they kept their own for years and years, anybody ever will. It is the Americans that have invented and rolled out this gimmick, it has now played out as a struggle between the brave and the powerful, whatever it means.

The other story they tell being that my position at the Monarchy is unsafe while the reality was more a matter of their need to build a Media bubble for every criminal that has paid attention to the way I have conducted my own business. I have warned them about these enough times, and they have had this madness as a toy for years – this matter is cropping up because the whole issue is fast feeding into government business, concerning which we will have to listen to the weeping and wailing soon enough.

So it is suggested even what I have said have made me vulnerable still but it has not and its like those stories of being punished at the Monarchy which is utter nonsense as what really happens is that they had made their own version of the nasty things I said about Royal Family members which I explained as something done as a need to ensure they could get involved with members of the Royal family in my stead at will. It’s the story about having spent time to control the incentives that brings me and my audiences together i.e. the environment and the Book that matches it, which they have taken up via their need to involve themselves with my service processes and hang about on media passing insults at me that involved a dream of pushing me around, so they had since put it to their gimmicks that involved them, me and the employers, showed up with same house sizes neighbourhoods gimmicks to run off abuses that suggest they were more important and I needed their money. The Buses then create such outcomes as they had begun to run me down and try to get me caught up with criminals, at the same time I am left with an understanding of how seriously they took their rebellion, such that they had to pervert government directives each time those directives had completed purposes to make sense of their need to steep neighbourhoods in crime while trying to make money on the basis of deciding who got torn up by it which they claimed was their civil right but will not spend it on themselves and their families instead – so each time I did something about getting away from criminals, they showed up with cracked up out of my league Children to grab my social life and public image through which process their civil rights involved perverting my academic pursuits, work a process of balancing the two and I end up with the Men talking demagogues that set me out as a punching bag when they want to make money – so I already know what to do and only need grind them down until I got results, not think about course of action as such, only a bunch of gamblers who will lose. It does not have to involve the Duke of Sussex who appears to be their biggest fan but had since abandoned his family responsibilities after the need to show he was the guy that prevented people making controversial comments about Royal Family Members to feed into their popularity gimmicks and yet Heir and Spare, I had set out that it was never clear why he loved to target me when all I said and did was on the money - regardless of which he is out there seeking the money for his concerns and had since abandoned the commitments.

They claim I have become very bitter and inconsolable which is utter nonsense – the reality is that they will continue to face problems that I had invented until I can get out of bed to face progressive developments at the Bookshop. In 15 years, these idiots have gone from an obsession that wrecks my health over a need to get paid for being popular using my social life and public image, to the destruction of my University studies, the trashing of job prospects and now a war on my Bookshop where it will all end, and they claim it happens because their stupidities were rather famous people. So it seems they want to constitute a big problem and I needed to handle it a bit at a time, such that despite all my warnings, we are now in a place where we had begun to talk about the way they think they want to run me down until I became a criminals, every attempt to move on from it meant they chased my social life and public image, making statements about academic environments, then the men show up to set me out as a hate figure associated with industrial gimmicks that brought about market success. This is not about winning as such, it is about not being distracted from my work by these fools any further, I have not done anything in all these time such as to try and beat them down yet, it does not mean that I had a high level of tolerance for it; it means that matters are solved more thoroughly, an old story about my need to get them talking to Politicians about that stupid power they had, whenever they complained about me – the power to organise communities that get imagination up peoples bums to wreck peoples entire lives and keep it wrecked for as long as the persons shall live, something that became a useful alternative to the business of making sure the worlds finances were owned by very evil people, talking nonsense at me as though they were in need of services from an exorcist and handling my Bookshop because they needed to ensure that they had built a social system where they could decide how much money those whose existence irritated them could earn, then hand the power to the Politicians and get down to the business of making me preach the gospel in rags on the streets with a big mouth. I want them to show the politicians this spiritual power they have, the way they develop it during their popularity gatherings and the way that their stupidities get to target me with it, if they wanted to make money without doing any work and how it means that whilst we have never been formally introduced, their stupidities were handling my income margins to solve their financial problems at my expense. It is an old story if there are people in the so called inferior left hand side of society, who are not inferior at all even by their standards; the way we were at school, split into A grade students, Party goers and people like me who can do this culture and society thing forever – such that what happens is people earning comfortably, such that even the way they make their tea in the morning makes them comfortable with this so called inferior part of society, while I am more a matter of the fact that I cannot live with a process of making sense of the insanity that passes on their left hand side and right hand side, such that if I had not provided an immediate response to those who bothered me with it, they will complain at some stage that I loved to pick a fight with people because I took out some trash. Then there are the stupid comments made by the spiritual power that gets all sorts of getting involved with my social life and public image, a real pressure points as they would be better off making those comments about the way they got along with their friends and family. We are doing all these because of a gimmick that began years back; the gimmick where they loved to stretch my feelings for the fun of it and needed something that was close to my heart to play with therefore found my books with a little help from their stupid Celebrities and we see it all the time when it plays out as a need to show up and shower me with enough insults to set me out in a legal and social no mans land, where their civil rights may allow them access areas of my career to make a social and academic mess being popular – we have now reached a point where I want to make the Bookshop operable and the famous idiots had gotten accustomed to it with a big ego to match – not clear what they want from me, matters falling apart on environment protection because of this, since people who loved to destroy the Natural world at Industry loved to do it to break peoples hearts over their need to get rich fast.


Just a bunch of Gamblers who take their need to shower others with insults and brew up despicable ways people can be handled too seriously, only to hang around somewhere complaining about discrimination and war - here I am quite certain that they will lose the bet.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland