They claim I believed I will pick up my career while the way I have responded to their collective stupidities had affected everybody but it is a two part story of having always been away of period of time spent building up a market disposition where people were likely to get more footfall if I were antagonised and attacked, meaning they had arrived at a point of entitlement for it, followed by ageist idiots who spend time building communities with abusive ideas that will affect me in my private parts and make me smell, as to force me to do something where I will work what they wanted as if it was the law of the land, to assist with their financial needs having spent their youth being deviant and criminal, showing up on their business premises to pass insults at me, which are linked to a process of picking me up when relaxed at home, to build a reputation for me where I was a coward and would therefore only be entitled to careers I was brave enough to be given, nothing done about it until I responded - I mean we do try to accommodate, never a good thing when peoples livelihoods are lost but this is not a threat that will fare well for those who issue it. Then there is my personal favourite where this nonsense plays into people’s children being better and superior to me, as in the cause of all my problems was that I smelled, continuing to build those stupid communities that get imagination up my bum while issuing threats that I am to face violence for it with a big mouth, as mine does not run in the family as well.


August 10, 2024

I am inundated with this talk about disrespect on my part at the Monarchy of which there is none – the abusive activities that the King carries out in my direction and the communities that were lifting me off my bed from my orifices had nothing to do with the Office of State or the way that His Majesty led the Royal family, it is simply one of those things we have also seen others do with public office, in which I am supposed to have appeared to know more about their duties at Office, so that I may better tell them how to do it, whilst I am not in any position to tell any person anything. What then happens is what we have seen to be evidential fact that the King had learned nothing from his mother because he was all busy being the King that reigned because the Country had a Queen as Monarch – so those rules where the Queen will say people needed to keep away from the Media whilst Her Majesty got involved with the Media sometimes had not served an exemplary result, instead it was seen as exceptionist, those rules where people were not allowed to complain at the Monarchy did not show that the complaining caused an inability to concentrate on the work that was being done or the processes that will solve the problem, they were seen as an iron fist, either which it does not matter as those who worked the system would make it an iron fist state of affairs anyway, the point being that the King for instance is now in a place where he has a problem, he complains about it, blames people, tells lies and get around with criminals, the icing on the cake being that the Media gits with their insults and the Celebrity poofs needed to keep getting involved if passing insults at me on public platforms would help them resolve their problems when it had not yet gone badly wrong. They do claim that the reasons they hated me goes beyond the Monarchy and it does naturally – they were the poor people from the whole wealthy and poor neighbourhood dynamics, about whom I have been trapped in the wealth and social inequality gimmick whereas the wealth and social inequality issues were a matter of people still being worse off after the government had done everything in its power, so each time I prevented somebody from looking like running a Managerial office for a large successful company meant walking into the poor neighbourhoods to rip up small businesses for market vacuums, they tore down my Bookshop to build markets for Celebrities because the way I got the work done was amusing, whilst their famous idiots got accustomed to the way I seemed to be vulnerable to their abuses because I had to consider duties that applied to Church interests therefore did not have an ego side to my career whilst they could enjoy the three sections of career, publicity and an ego that allowed them to trade their mobility for immoral society and show up in public places to run me down endlessly. So it must have become rather clear that I had ceased to discuss the matter because I am no longer interest in them, only those who wish to get this other business I am keeping off the ground by engaging with the Bookshop instead and if they had no ceased handling my career and bookshop to fool around, they were set to cease fooling around on my terms and so concludes the showing up at University to finger my bum from 20 years earlier.

It is now said that no matter what I did, it is this idea people could do whatever they liked with me that others wanted to engage with the most but it is normal in the circumstances that I organised myself for public work, I am an Arch Prince and do not have body guarding security so I had to stand up for myself too, at the end of which a bunch of government office idiots came up with the great idea that these fools were more willing to get into a fight for them and should be the people standing up for themselves the way I did, whilst I had to find another way to stand up for myself, so it has been hell since it is a Royal Order and they could never have enough of handling it, with the American issuing threats each time it would appear that I was fed up with the effects on my career and finances associated with the fact they were handling it to stand up for themselves and play video games. When we listen to the lip flapping about where I am supposed to end up naturally what it is not seen is that if we clashed on this matter, I will attack them to recover my order and ensure they never engaged with it again, we also know that those insults about somebody of weak and small stature like myself ending up with my status was part of the problem the world faced, was one of the main insults that propelled them to burn my assets fighting communists and return here to attack me everyday on account their stupidities had ended up with a crisis for doing so. It is only a group of people who build themselves an existence they do not want anymore, an example being those times they never stopped claiming their jobs were the same as the culture of the land, now arrived at a point where they had built themselves and existence they did not want and being so entitled as they were, they did not mind a persons blood being split on their behalf to make their situation better, so they sought it like it was their share on this planet too, it is currently shooting off the well off neighbourhood poof lips at me endlessly over a geed which when channelled at me with insolence made them better off, because it is not yet complaining about a series of actions I may have followed to ensure its stupidities ceased to see me as a character upon whom putting things in my orifices will create the kind of culture that will be respected after they had built themselves an existence they no longer desired. My responses are usually effective but of recent are not anymore because their media fools had made a decision to award them a media presence for their narcissism, claiming it was a method of handling and manipulating me into serving them and covering their backsides for these stupid lives they built for themselves, whilst it is not clear what convinced them that it was a fine course of action, I am suffering the financial effects as they will not shut down the communities that finger my bum for an upstart and run me down on media, always insulting and greedy of the famous around here and it is assumed I will make an announcement about following a course of action that will cause them great historic harm as well; for the time being it is point out that I never display in public what I did in response to the abuses I suffered from their well off neighbourhood poofs of which I cannot since the narcissism media presence, generally meant that when the idiots had entertained a long history of never being nice to others, to such an extent that their ability to keep jobs, businesses and livelihoods had been affected, it was apt that they wanted to find somebody with a character and personality to abuse and sell as a method of moving forward, I need to go the other way, find whatever it is they abandoned in their lives to peddle and sell too and then we would meet in the middle, of which the sole reason we are not early enough is the famous idiots who were complaining about the problem too, always insulting and greedy of those save when it had stopped badly.

I am told they never stopped boasting that I am inherently vulnerable to them but I am not, it is an old story about something as simple as sharing my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to build communities that fingered my bum being taken up by famous idiots who have always dreamed to using me like a slave so to speak, over claims they had rounded me up enough with statements and civil rights that will get people thinking I deserved it, playing a part, so I too decided to keep the insults and those running in the neighbourhoods due to their verbose female society insults, that allowed people to feel it made sense to and then develop a mentality of getting imagination into my panties, since it would be apt to ensure they continued to build up the ego and arrive at a point where they issued a clearly devised threat by which I can take some action that ensured they ceased to have their fun in life at my expense, right down to the Public transport idiots in the UK who were fingering my bum and ensured I could not step outside of my door over claims they were fighting hoodlums I am too much of a coward to deal with whilst clinging to my career publicity, the German influence gits who were the spear head of every civil right insolence that they had now settled in on, to look like the clients that had to deal with me tolerating it before were not as important as the one that have had to recently and it was the look of my existence, so the Italian greed and insults gimmicks marrying my wife; on the part where they issued the threats, they might then say they understood these facts and had set out a date, to end the on going two decade career mess on my terms. Either these idiots will keep their comments to their career and cease running me down over details of my work in their possession which I misplaced on the public transport network or the whole gimmicks where the police brutality and street crimes in the US was blamed on me will take a turn for the worst and we will be looking at the finale. On the government side it has always been a simple mat of the way that I am supposed to complete the public control work, tie it off and ensure each unusual interest that makes a mess was an auspice for people to complain about the way I caused them stress, so each time a famous fool made a mess of it, we find that they showed up to suggest that the famous idiots were supposed to be heard first as they were more financially successful, time and again finding out the feelings of having lost something important would only have lasted weeks if they did not but would repeat it again and again, now showed up here talking nonsense at me about responsibilities they thought I faced, whilst we know that they will at some stage accept that I was entitled to be heard first even if it was the Celebrities complaining after trashing my career but the point where it was important enough for me not to live on social security which they were now fed up supporting me with in my 40s did not matter because they were being corrupt, collecting money for themselves and their families. Ultimately the Celebrities were the problem and whether or not somebody was supposed to fight communists on my behalf and show up here clinging to my career, it should not have been enough to eclipse my career publicity, so the scumbags in Washington who enjoyed bankrolling every nonsense people performed on my career will be the best starting point. It will be an evolution from ideas I am responsible for other people losing their lives, whilst we know it was a spectrum from Muslims who thought it made sense to claim they were killing Americans on my behalf, to suggesting I was facing a mortal threat because I had been instrumental to their stupidities getting killed as well, all the way to the Celebrity gits with the rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers, maintained by an abusive male population working with public transport pricks that clung to my assets that I misplaced on public transport over ideas that were fighting hoodlums on my behalf, such that I cannot step outside of my door and clients were put off the Books – always insulting and greedy of these idiots likewise everything in the middle of the two spectrum and it needs to keep its comments to its career, the prevalent background being that I am now in a state where I blamed them for my problems whilst we know that the poor idiots who fool around with my Bookshop always had a choice not to, the Politicians always had a choice not to get off suggesting that they should be heard first because they were financially well off and the abusive neighbourhoods always had a choice not to heap their gimmicks on me, put the clients off the Books, run me down financially into my 40s, call me names and pretend I existed under their bootheel with a big mouth, so at this stage most of their problems were self inflicted and what they believed was the cause is that I am blaming them for mine, we are about to witness what had become of the next stage (we have heard the idiots boast about cracking me, yet even if it were to be said that the neighbourhoods were being abusive, I could control that, likewise the Celebrity greed and insults, likewise the goon from the US bankrolling any nonsense they performed with my career publicity: it is the ageist idiots with a narcissism media presence leading everybody else to happiness after years of attacking others to make money, by handling my Royal personal life, social life and career publicity but I plan to begin with the git who enjoyed bank rolling the nonsense people performed on my career from Washington, especially as it was obvious these idiots had attained a narcissism that was so good that they could draw up advertisement with it and make money but have simply gotten worse with the money they have made - I mean I am well within my rights as the original insults with respect to my career was that my Books were too simplistic for somebody of my stature, now they are not tackling the Books anymore, it got personal with a big mouth). Some people have suggested I should push harder than I am but then again, I have mentioned the way their civil rights will cease fooling around by handling my Bookshop, mentioned I am not interested in them, only those who wish to help me keep a Bookshop by engaging, mentioned the way that starting with the git who bankrolled every nonsense they performed with the career from the USA was the best way I could begin, I suppose what is left is the need to set out we are about to enter an era where all unusual interest in this Bookshop would mean they were keeping jobs, businesses and livelihoods they really should lose - I am not blaming them for anything like they loved to claim I am, it is simple going to end badly, the way that it was bad for my health, will be lucky if I saw my 60th birthday if an important aspect of my career ended up in their possession for them to run around on media or run off to the USA to get rich by, now after years of abuses, insults, greed gimmicks and public place vilification, it seemed I had misplaced something on the transport system, they have now kept it, have been working the authorities whilst keeping me cashed strapped alongside my abusive parent Muslim pricks who were everybody's parent and never stopped telling others what to do over career results, they want to get rich with it and my main career was getting in way - I did warn them their need to look for trouble, even as the bottom chasing issues were part of the culture in Europe, as per the idea I thought it actually should not exist, is building up to a result where they were looking in the right places, I really do plan to find out what their problem was to say the least. What people have come to believe is happening here is that I am in such a difficult situation of being pushed around and put to fools errands that will never end but no such thing is happening actually and so I needed to clear up this perception lest it created more problems for me – the practical side is that since there has been a lot of famous persons insults being channelled at me as per I dare to take back the career I am currently working with which famous idiots had bashed and planned to rebuild in their names, as stupidly as possible, the insults were usually such that, I was left looking as if some stupid women were ordering my steps and their will was being enforced by popularity gits, this then creates all those fantasies people had about my body bits which was sustained to a point that they built a community to spend most of its time pursuing its daily affairs in terms of getting imagination into my panties and handling my body bits from a safe distance, the catalyst for this being one of the well off neighbourhood gits who like to think they were the most educated and industry job orientated twats around, sharing my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to make this nonsense possible – from here it would seem they were feeling other kinds of feelings naturally but the feeling that mattered to them the most was the part that suggested that they should make no plans to cease doing it. It is a matter of clearing up what people think of it here, I do not consider the matter a crisis, as it would seem this nonsense had gotten serious once and they had gotten past it, blamed racism and police brutality on me, started a new gimmick, something about those that were born under the birth sign of Leo, who were the biggest narcissist around, stealing property and market, the Scorpios being the biggest criminals and the Virgos being the biggest Lairs – which had since built up to the idea that we had lost respect for the Police and it is utter nonsense as what is happening instead is that we were waiting for them to go from using NHS ambulance sirens to spread the idea that the Police disturbs the neighbourhood in the interest of individuals that can handle themselves and should be allowed to, onto the part where be it the use of the same NHS ambulances or not, they got to tidy up the mess that they had made and there is a sense that stupid personality had caused a huge destruction that they got away with it, if they did not suffer the consequences. The rest were the famous idiots and there should be more of the insults from them that creates a sense I went to school and got qualified as a low life, so that people may continue abusing my privacy and body bits, on seeing that they had wrecked careers and had become the only bottom chasing upstart pricks around who were offering people jobs, as I mentioned, it got serious once and the next response from me will progress along the lines of believing I am allowed to go to the work place and bury my head after the mess they have made here without being abused my radio wave lesbians, onto the part where I will get away with a business of launching a direct mini war on everything famous that shows up in this place – for the time being it would appear that the option of keeping their imagination and hands off my body bits, their comments restricted to their careers, had not worked, so I need to progress onto the option of carving my retirement out of them for the gimmicks that shows up here repeating my public work to make a mess, goading me over public control and handling Royal publicity for their own affairs, allowing a bunch of goons who are up to no good to wee on me on day literally, then complain about the way their stupidities had been affected, carving my retirement out of them literally by ensuring any interest in this place that did not engage with a Book is automatically assumed to be an activity that somebody performed on the basis they had a job that they did not wish to keep. On the claim that there was nothing controlling my actions, we know that the last two decades has been spent ripping up my academic pursuits and any other social life and career based activity, so they must have been able to tell exactly how much I will find provocative the idea that I owed them a debt, of loyalty, of affection of care, considering they were a bunch of narcissists and it would be suicidal with respect to my wellbeing, to owe them any debts. On the idea I am so different from them I appeared not to have lived in the same community, it is an old story about being aged 16 and facing some social challenges that others had created as a form of gimmick and once I had peeled the surface for it, it turns out the world was a bad place and a moral position on my part was a disservice and I am supposed to come into the world to destroy their enemies, 24 years of what is not actually their choice to make for me and an unusual interest in my personal finances with the famous gits working with their poofs who make a mess of my career publicity to spurting more finance destruction statements about the ways they were enjoying the highlife by clinging to my income margins, to enlist the authorities to decide what I were to stop doing whilst being fully aware that the famous persons insults and the physical contact was the reason behind all that was being done - I could have said that those who loved to provide them funds by buying products they were selling when they ran imagination into my private and body parts for an up start ought to help tidy up the mess but it seemed that only the singular group of popularity idiots who build communities to finger my bum and shared my privacy with hoodlums and criminals for it in the first place, where the only narcissism media presence and backstage media gits who were consuming products that were being sold in such a manner.



November 27, 2021

I am told that the problem with the Men is getting worse and I am aware that it is too from here. It is a story of questions on whether somebody who is older and keeps making sure a big case of their responsibility being greater than mine, should be galvanising a crowd that made the most of ripping up my career to get imagination up my bum and churn my tummy with bad habits, so that the threat of violence and a process of me being socially ostracised, may become a reality to be taken advantag...

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Ikpe Uno


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